If you’ve ever stopped by your local yoga studio, even if to simply take a glance at their weekly schedule, chances are you’ve heard the word Vinyasa before.
The term Vinyasa Yoga can often simply refer to the sequence of postures that include:
plank pose (phlankasana) + chaturanga (high to low push up) + upward facing dog (urdhva mukha svanasana) + downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana).

This is a series of postures executed at a one breath per movement pace, and it is a common transition that is frequently used in Vinyasa Yoga classes, a particular style of yoga that is quite popular in the West.
In this article we are going to dice into the world of Vinyasa Yoga and explore:
The Origins Of Vinyasa Yoga
Ashtanga Vs Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa For New Practitioners
Vinyasa And Energetics
Vinyasa And Cultivating Your Inner Fire
Vinyasa Yoga And Accessibility
Ready to dive in?
Let’s flow