It’s the end of February, and with that, Black History Month wraps up in the United States.
The country chooses the shortest month of the year to “celebrate” one of its most oppressed peoples, so for me, it’s a time of year that is both exciting and infuriating.
In February, I get more reposts on my articles, my workshops, and all my work. All of a sudden, my social media gets a slight increase in visibility, orchestrated by the infamous algorithms that keep my content hidden the remaining 11 months of the year.
All of a sudden, studios are looking to hire me, sometimes not even knowing much about my work and what I have to offer. They’re just needing to fill an obvious void in their staff that becomes apparent in February.
Instagram and TikTok are filled with images of Black people doing all sorts of activities just to pretend that their company, too, is “diverse and inclusive.”
It is thanks to all these BHM campaigns, however, that I have discovered some of the most incredible Black yoga teachers, wellness practitioners, and healers who bring diversity, inclusivity, and a new perspective into the wellness world.
They are the ones doing more of the walk and less of the talk. Showing up to social media in a way that is authentic and personable, with true intent to connect and create community and lift each other up.