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Resource Library.

Whether you're new to the yoga practice, have been getting on your mat for years, or even if you're a yoga teacher, welcome to the Resource Library!
The practices, techniques, and resources shared here are all designed to inspire, support, and empower you.
As a dedicated advocate for accessible and inclusive yoga, I bring knowledge from years of practice and teaching in hatha, vinyasa, yoga, and more for you to explore and try.

I have organized the resources into categories, including: Yoga Practice, Meditation & Breathwork Techniques, Slow Living & Self-Care, Accessible Yoga, and Teacher Resources. Each category is filled with rich content that's informative and transformative, aimed at helping you live more aligned and joyful. 

If we want to be Writers, we Need to Write—Or How I am Finally finding my Voice.

If there is something I had an abundance of growing up—amongst many other things—it was books.

Both my mum and dad have always been avid readers, and from a young age, I began to devour novels and other literature. From Catalan and Spanish authors like Eduardo Mendoza, Manuel de Pedrolo and Mercè Rodoreda to the great Anne Rice, Ken Follett, and John Irving to name a few, I developed a love for words, languages, and narratives.

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